For help documenting your artwork see this page.
Digital portfolios are to be submitted on a CD at the end of the semester. Your name, my name, the course title, semester and year should appear on the disk in permanent marker.
Awesome Student, Michael Merry, Intro to Print, Spring 2018
Digital Portfolios Must Contain:
- An artist's statement saved as a Word document. If you've changed your focus over the course of the semester please include your various statements.
- An image list saved as a word document. Your image list must follow the order of the class assignments. Each item must be numbered and include: your last name, the title of your piece, and image dimensions (not including margins). Example:
1: Merry, Zany Bananas, 6"x8"
2: Merry, Exquisite Corpse, 6"x8"
3: Merry, Wild Watermelons, 8"x12"
- Images of your work for each project following the order of your image list. Images must be JPEGs in the same aspect ratio as your image, 750 pixels or more on the shortest side and at least 300 DPI. Images must be numbered and titled the same as on your image list with your last name, the title of your piece, and image dimensions (not including margins).